
Showing posts from November, 2023


 19th century alliance between libertarian feminism and radical liberalism be recovered

Exh psdoiore


Oliver Twist

It is time to force Stripe Inc to go out of business forever

I am against that woke, evil, bourgeois ,aristocratic Colonialist Capitalist corrupt, ponzi scheme company Stripe Inc WRONGLY cancelling African journalist Simon Ateba  for him holding Jenn Psaki accountable during press briefings.  (a similar link which expands on this can be found on Conservapedia, just skip over all the right wing propaganda trash above and below it. Conservapedia's coverage of this is a BASED needle in a ultra conservative cultist haystack) Black Lives mean nothing to Stripe Inc and their unofficial partner, white Karen Jenn PsaKKKi Stripe Inc is a puppet to the DNC and Jenn Psaki was so embarassed that Ateba rightfully called her out for her white karen entitlement and her evil racism against Ateba, she got back at Ateba by getting her friends she knows at Stripe Inc to cancel Ateba Stripe Inc also cancelled Simon Ateba because Stripe Inc hates blacks and is racist against them. Stripe Inc did all of their virtue signaling during the 2020 BLM protests to prete

Free Assange NOW

I want Julian Assange freed NOW and I sign my name to this bipartisan letter and echo the Australian PM and 88 percent of Australians in calling for all charges against Julian Assange to be dropped and to give him freedom Julian Assange's bogus arrest and charges for his heroism in uncovering the evils of our government is an affront to democracy Julian Assange being arrested for his heroic acts is a threat to democracy

Gen parity

I support the 2022 changes to the Chilean constitution , and I especially support gender parity being added to that new Chilean constitution: I like the “Gender parity: including a mandated 50%+ of women in a lot of parts of the government and bureaucracy,” even though I feel that gender parity in general is a mixed bag I want us to abolish patriarchy/male patriarchy and I prefer not to use parity in our existing patriarchy/male patriarchy since that is only a bandaid and is an insult to women.  Parity seems just as empty as the complaints that are made about the lack of diversity of corporate boards. What I mean is, who cares what the gender composition is of a bourgeois court is, we need to abolish neoliberalism for true equality and freedom for all  However Chile’s new constitutional Gender parity is good and something I want added to the US constitution too  Though Chile’s constitutional Gender parity might be better handled through short-term measures than enshrining in their cons

Exh doiere90exid

At heart, I can  bear  (with reservations) the idea of requiring homosexuals to become trans women to marry other men and requiring lesbians to become trans men to marry other women.  I think if such a thing would happen, for homosexuals to become trans women to marry other men, they should basically become  Guydyke   Heterosexual  Trans women and that for lesbians to become trans women to marry other women, they should basically become  Girlfag   Heterosexual  Trans men  (Guydyke Heterosexuality and Girlfag Heterosexuality is like  Queer heterosexuality  but with Guydyke and Girlfag replacing the Queer part) This is to prevent Queer erasure since Guydykes/Girlfags as I state in my main blogs are a great way to prevent Queer erasure Moreover after homosexuals wanting to marry become trans women and lesbians wanting to marry become trans men, they would still be encouraged to be  gay curious / bi curious  and or even  non heterosexual   WITH This  Pro Queer ,Anti Trans  view WITH The id


The whole exposing children to LGBTQ themes in schools and Drag Queen 'storytimes' and the like aren't  'grooming' children to become LGBTQ per say It is that LGBTQ people are trying to rightfully abolish heterosexual/heteronormative patriarchy as mentioned below and through exposing children to LGBTQ themes in schools and through Drag Queen 'storytimes' and the like. The thing is there is no way to know where the line is drawn between abolishing heterosexual/heteronormative patriarchy and grooming and those 2 goals aren't that much different from each other. I am fine with abolishing the heterosexual/heteronormative patriarchy but I am against grooming children to be LGBTQ.  I solidly emphasize with this view and I take this view into consideration with my views on this issue: “Schools from k-8 should stick with teaching the basics like the 3 Rs, history etc with family friendly mentions of LGBTQ only in Social Studies classes or sex ed or if their teac


  Personally, I am  Fifth Political Position  on same sex marriage being legal, The reason I am as accepting of same sex marriage as I am is partly for  these reasons ,  these reasons , these reasons  and  these reasons       Legality wise I am  Seventeenth political position  on same sex marriage being legal I am an Anarcho Libertarian and free love is a current within Anarchism I support the Respect for Marriage Act to go codify same sex marriage and interracial marriage and I am  cool  with the compromises. I like this act because it seems to be the first step toward getting the government out of the marriage business (since I want the government to be removed from the marriage business since I feel that marriage is a private matter)  That act also retroactively makes the Constitution support same sex marriage and interracial marriage by codifying that into the Constitution.  Though as mentioned elsewhere, those rights were already found to have always existed in the Constitution, b


Exh Leaeoco

19th Political Theory


Blee din g   H ea rt   Synthesis Anarchism   Original Libertarianism/Europe Libertarianism   Breadtube-Vaush Libertarianism Anarkiddism Libertarian Variable   Middle Way   Modded Liberalism Left Libertartarian :   Socialist Libertarian/Left Wing Social Libertarian   Luxemburgianist (tendency of Libertarian Marxism)   via a  Third Way/Third Road      L e f t   Li berta rtarians        Left Post Libertarian / Anarcho   Libertarian Libertarian Party ( Libertarian Socialist Caucus of the Libertarian Party ) Distributist Libertarian  (with  with Seussian Characteristics ) I support L ef t C ente r Lib ertarian Paternalism . I am glad that non marginalized activists, politicians etc use their higher up positions to lift up marginalized groups to where they are to give them equality.  It is like someone who is at the top of a ladder reaching down to pull people stuck on the ladder up.  I support via a  decentralized  government/federal state (without concentration of power and anti tyranny)

Theory get fem

 I support a feminist ideology which to women is what Afro Pessimism is to blacks.  If the "anti-blackness" the article described served or will serve as a template, it'll be some kind of reality where every individual discrimination becomes supreme for that group only (in this case women instead of blacks)  Maybe something like  this   here , .   This  can be an early draft of such a feminist ideology

Exh Inaereiconslit

Our concern ideally should really be the material needs of the masses, not the interpersonal implicit biases that could informally live within our subconsciouses that we are either tasked with purging like some sort of sinful inclination, or nurse in the interest of fetishized "marginalized groups," which is what the majority of intersectionalists actually advocate for basically. Better to just downplay or even ditch this intersectionality oppression ontology altogether and instead fight for the workers (at least in theory or pragmatically). The liberation of women and minorities was already part of the socialist corpus of theory over a hundred and more years ago. If you read those dusty old books you will find that it is something which was clearly accounted for. For example, Vladimir Lenin in his works wrote not only about women but also he wrote about national minorities who were in Russia. So what in the world is so new about "intersectionality"? I find no new i

Rosa-Rachel gfem

Spartacism (i.e Spartacus   League ism  including  S par a ta Kha ullo c us i sm )  Which means I am a R Luxemburgianism/Sparta Leagueism +  S Khan-P Cullorist  ( CapCom )/Sparatacusist   In particular I am a  Ro sa Luxem burg ian - Rachel Cargle Gatherer Feminist (the latter of which is a subideology of S Khan-P Cullorism (CapCom) and so I am a Marxist/Leninist Feminist  .I also support  this type of Marxism Leninism Feminism I support Feminism views which are influenced in part by  Rach el Car gle , any women's related views of mine which are to the right of Rachel's , please move said women's views leftward to where Rachel Cargle is on said views by copying and pasting said view  here and revising it to be as left wing as Rachel Cargle is on said view I agree with Rachel Cargle  here  and  here  and the  post-comments here In light of that I am going to study one of my feminist and poc civil rights icon Ida B Wells and try to model my feminism further leftward by drawi

Exh 90Ni9u9



Also see

exh reiowioewoiew

   Trans-Inclusionary Radical Feminism (Factions of Radical Feminism as a whole, most today)


  Tr ans Inclu s ionary Radi c al Femin i sm   (also see here , here , here , here )

More fsisisodnoaiooifem

  Gender Nihilism  (including Redscare   Feminism Tho ught ) with FA CE S


Left Wing Male Advocacy   Left wing male advocacy that is almost like r/MensLib 2.0 except with some critiques of feminism thrown in. So anything I write below add more leftism to it to show where I am on it Left wing male advocacy is good because it fills a void in the political landscape: talking about male issues, from a left wing (i.e egalitarian) perspective that is left-wing but with some light critiques of feminism.thrown into the mix People who agree with all three of these core values are pretty hard to find, whether that’s due to the fact that there are few of us or or because we’re politically homeless and scared to speak. So if we’re going to have any luck of exerting political influence, we’re gotta to have to have this type of ideology, tolerating and discussing our differences within Left wing male advocacy. Consequently within Left wing male advocacy we take something of a “big tent” approach to each of the three defining values, trying to accommodate views ranging from