Rosa-Rachel gfem

Spartacism (i.e Spartacus Leagueism including SparataKhaullocusism

Which means I am a R Luxemburgianism/Sparta Leagueism + S Khan-P Cullorist (CapCom)/Sparatacusist  

In particular I am a Rosa Luxemburgian-Rachel Cargle Gatherer Feminist (the latter of which is a subideology of S Khan-P Cullorism (CapCom) and so I am a Marxist/Leninist Feminist .I also support this type of Marxism Leninism Feminism

I support Feminism views which are influenced in part by Rachel Cargle, any women's related views of mine which are to the right of Rachel's , please move said women's views leftward to where Rachel Cargle is on said views by copying and pasting said view here and revising it to be as left wing as Rachel Cargle is on said view

I agree with Rachel Cargle here and here and the post-comments here

In light of that I am going to study one of my feminist and poc civil rights icon Ida B Wells and try to model my feminism further leftward by drawing inspirational from Ida Well's old school retro intersectional type of feminism. If I have misteps as a feminist, I will turn to Ida B Wells to help me get past those misteps and to make me more pro intersectional feminist each time

I am a Socialist Feminist which is a subset of Marxist Feminism (see herehere 4 more)

I am a Materialist feminist, (like Shulamith Firestone and Christine Delphi) and as such I understand that patriarchy is binded to family structure, reproduction, and social institutions including marriage, and that these are concrete measures that a person can take toward changing these forms. 

Measures that don’t require policing of language, or generic denunciations, but that instead require a broad movement with a social totality vision , with liberation for all

I support the intersection between Marxist Feminism, Post colonial feminism, Fourth Wave Feminism and Equity feminism here

I agree with this quote: “I don’t ascribe in any way to these ideas that identity politics (idpol) is bad for us. I think I can take someone who is deeply concerned about patriarchy and I can make them understand how patriarchy intersects with capitalism much more than I can take someone who’s mad because GM took their job away and make them understand socialism”

-- Sean McElwee, leftism's infant terrible.

As feminist gatherers to temporarily embody and use this type of female advocacy to create a mass movement of men to become feminists   (Be all things to all people so you may lead them to light/salvation in this case light/salvation is left wing radical feminism) 


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