

Personally, I am Fifth Political Position on same sex marriage being legal, The reason I am as accepting of same sex marriage as I am is partly for these reasonsthese reasons, these reasons and these reasons    

Legality wise I am Seventeenth political position on same sex marriage being legal

I am an Anarcho Libertarian and free love is a current within Anarchism

I support the Respect for Marriage Act to go codify same sex marriage and interracial marriage and I am cool with the compromises.

I like this act because it seems to be the first step toward getting the government out of the marriage business (since I want the government to be removed from the marriage business since I feel that marriage is a private matter) 

That act also retroactively makes the Constitution support same sex marriage and interracial marriage by codifying that into the Constitution.  Though as mentioned elsewhere, those rights were already found to have always existed in the Constitution, but codification , well that goes the extra mile has the state protect those rights which is base. Moreover marrying whoever you want is a natural right

I approve of how NJ legalized same sex marriage through an activist judge. It was a stealth way to get around the mainstream and legalization protocols. That activist judge helped gay people in NJ more than bureaucratic gay savior politicians and SJWs ever could

One good thing to come from same sex marriage is that same sex marriage is only a first step in recognizing the diversity of human relationships.  In doing so same sex marriage will strengthen the value of commitment that is not just about equality but about valuing the ties that bind us

Commitment that through vows to each other and support of each other makes society stronger. 

So this diversifying relational commitments as I mentioned above, can pragmatically allow us to use Queer Anarchism with its social insurrection mission to abolish the state and capitalism with the anarchist ideal of complete individual freedom as a method of liberation for the LGBTQ community which would then lead to the abolition of homophobia, transphobia, heteronormativity, patriarchy, and the gender binary.

We have to uplift and equalize the lower sexual classes through economic egalitarianism now and by abolishing the Heteronormative and Cisgender patriarchy afterward  

We need relationships in our society to be as committed as they once were back in the good ole days that never were. 

I support MIke Lee's amendment to the Respect for Marriage act

I support states throughout the US doing what Tennessee proposed here with HB. 233

This reddit thread makes a case that at least some people who oppose same sex marriage aren't evil or doing so out of hate.  Also see this for a unique expansion of this and similar points (along with these supplement to it)

More expansion on my views on same sex rights can be found here (part of a bigger picture of the debate on rights, conformity and equitality can be found here found here and here to add to that). 

I support individual persons, whether heterosexual/homosexual/lesbian who are cohabiting/single to be able to adopt children 

Since I am Libertarian I am against adoption centers being forced to have anti gay adoption discrimination laws.  I feel the best way to deal with such homophobic adoption centers is to have people boycott them them in a Libertarian way which is a better tactic in this case. 

I am passively against gay conversion therapy being banned since I am a Libertarian (and for slippery slope reasons). 

The government has no right to play moral cop on gay conversion therapy. If the government of the US changed from a Democratic Constitutional Republic to a Moral Dictatorship or Moralocracy, or if we had a direct democracy, then I would be mixed to supportive of banning gay conversion therapy

Making it illegal unregulates it and drives it underground, but if its legal it is regulated and safe

I want us to abolish the heterosexual/heteronormative patriarchy so people’s sexual orientation no longer matter because until we do that being queer will always be seen as abnormal. 

This is a major reason why I feel this way (i.e there is thought that homosexuals coming out in patriarchal societies does more harm than good and that we must abolish heterosexual/male patriarchies so they can do so to the point where it would seem as normal as if someone in our society said they are heterosexual now

The laws of nature designed it so , and we must use Transhumanism along with Queer studies inspired Queer Anarchism/Gay Shame movement and similar radical left spectrum Queer ideologies to 'blame nature change nature' on sexual orientation and use might to make right to destroy the hetreosexual/normative patriarchy and to blow the lid off of gender so that same sex relationships are equally one form of relationships indistinguished from any other type of relationship or post relationship etc

But what about until then? I believe in free love (including Justin Trudeau type of free love) people should love so until we destroy the heterosexual-heteronormative patriarchy I am pragmatically Live and Let Live (on the condition that same sex relationships don't impede on anyone's rights) on allowing any two people to be able to have any type of relationship they want with each other, regardless of sex, gender or orientation and from a Sex Positive standpoint and a Progressive Originalist Common Good 4pt Daesin / Heidegger standpoint, that is how the law should have been framed

Though the love wins everywhere message is creative and edgy it really is but that message is a bit excessive and to some fellow LGBTQ activists unnecessarily ‘provocative’ (ymmv)

I support the Gay Shame movement .  

Seeing gays sell out by hereosexualizing themselves through marrying within a heteronormative/heterosexist patriarchal marriage system is wrong and influences my views on same sex marriage

It is just that I always respected how gays were unique and didn't want to follow social norms and seeing same sex couples marrying into marriage which is a system built upon heteronormative/heterosexuality foundations which was designed around the desires and needs of straight/hetereosexual couples feels like same sex couples were second class citizens within that heteronormative/heterosexuality marriage system that failed to meet their unique desires and needs

I am supportive of the Gay Shame movement’s hesitancy of queer mainstreaming, supportive to their demands of the abolishment of state sanctioned coupling (marriage for people of all sexual orientations ie hetereo and gay) since I like them see marriage as an exploitation at the benefit of others, and believe that people shouldn't have to do a ritualistic things like get married to get benefits like healthcare and the like . 

Same sex marriage won’t alter and fix heterosexual marriage at all, though it will instead enhance the cachet of that rather tattered institution by pledging more bodies and lives to the altar of normative familialism . 

Homosexuals and lesbians make up about single digit percent of the US population. About 1 in 1x Americans identify as homosexuals/lesbians

The amount of LGBTQ-identifying adults married to a person of the opposite-sex is 11 and a half percent, (source:Gallup), which exceeds the percent of those LGBTQ identified adults who are married to a person of the same-sex (9 and a half percent) by about 18 percent. 

TLTR: Some gays feel that gay marriage might be culturally appropriating straight/hereosexual marriage .It seems that marriage, since time immemorial, has been a part of heteronormative culture, a truth which some parts of the gay community (like the aforementioned gay shame movement and also David Starkey) understand.

To make the government expand the realm of marriage to include same sex couples culturally appropriates a heteronormative cultural practice to the homosexual culture. This can cause same sex marriage to fall under that umbrella?

So based on everything above, we need to abolish hetereonormativey/hetereosexual patriarchy and marriage all together in order to end the hetereosexualizing and oppression of same sex couples since same sex couples will always wrongly be seen as second class in a marriage system not designed around their unique desires and needs due to the marriage system being built upon heteronormative/heterosexuality foundations and designed around the desires and needs of straight couples/hetereosexual couples.

We then need to help improve the relationships of same sex couples by finding a relational system that is built for them and all types of couples equally instead of built on a hetereonormativey/hetereosexual patriarchy marriage system (see here for more)

But if men want to marry other men and women want to marry other women, I say let them get married to people of their sex/gender, Same sex couples have a right to be as miserable as straight married couples have always been /s

How do we balance the 3 polarizing views on Queer -Trans tensions expressed in this link to lift up and impower the whole LGBTQ+ spectrum 


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