Exh Inaereiconslit

Our concern ideally should really be the material needs of the masses, not the interpersonal implicit biases that could informally live within our subconsciouses that we are either tasked with purging like some sort of sinful inclination, or nurse in the interest of fetishized "marginalized groups," which is what the majority of intersectionalists actually advocate for basically.

Better to just downplay or even ditch this intersectionality oppression ontology altogether and instead fight for the workers (at least in theory or pragmatically).

The liberation of women and minorities was already part of the socialist corpus of theory over a hundred and more years ago. If you read those dusty old books you will find that it is something which was clearly accounted for. For example, Vladimir Lenin in his works wrote not only about women but also he wrote about national minorities who were in Russia.

So what in the world is so new about "intersectionality"? I find no new insight there. 

So originally Intersectionality was specifically used to describe the experience of African American women, whose experience of racism during the 1980s was different from African American men, and whose experience of misogyny was different than white women’s experience of misogyny . Through “adding those experiences together” it was clear it didn’t make sense to accurately describe their experiences.

The word intersectionality originally was used by legal scholar KimberlĂ© Crenshaw in her discussion of a civil rights lawsuit filed by a black woman who alleged that she had been discriminated against as a black person AND as a woman. 

Absurdly the court rejected her claim, saying that the plaintiff needed to choose whether she alleged discrimination on the basis of gender or of race, but not both. Crenshaw coined the term intersectionality to cover these instances of multiple and overlapping oppressions. 

Intersectionality was originally in line with Marxist beliefs, but it was ripped away from it over time and the ideology was co-opted by Liberal 2.0ers.

Maybe a mix of class reductionism + intersectionality can salvage this deluded modern form of Intersectionality

By the fruits you shall know them.

Diversity might have some advantages, but cohesion is not one of those advantages.

All politics boil down to out-group versus. in-group and through this grouping lense, the in-group are the oppressed (like, perception rules all, you just got to appear marginalized to be counted as the in-group).

There is a lot of power plays by various groups and individuals to vie for the highest positions and because of their foundations, this is about being the biggest victim. Some people call this the ‘oppression olympics’ , and it is easy to see why.

The fracturing become very obvious when harm is done to an internal group and it can't be blamed on the outgroup. Like if African Americans attack Asians, or when poorer BIPOC harass white women, etc.

Naturally the opposition tries its darnest to use these contradictions to split the enemy's base. Liberal 2.0ers attempt to combat this by keeping a cover on internal infighting by giving them a common enemy in the white majority.

This chases a lot of white people completely into reactionary politics (like the Right Wing)


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