It is time to force Stripe Inc to go out of business forever

I am against that woke, evil, bourgeois ,aristocratic Colonialist Capitalist corrupt, ponzi scheme company Stripe Inc WRONGLY cancelling African journalist Simon Ateba for him holding Jenn Psaki accountable during press briefings.  (a similar link which expands on this can be found on Conservapedia, just skip over all the right wing propaganda trash above and below it. Conservapedia's coverage of this is a BASED needle in a ultra conservative cultist haystack)

Black Lives mean nothing to Stripe Inc and their unofficial partner, white Karen Jenn PsaKKKi

Stripe Inc is a puppet to the DNC and Jenn Psaki was so embarassed that Ateba rightfully called her out for her white karen entitlement and her evil racism against Ateba, she got back at Ateba by getting her friends she knows at Stripe Inc to cancel Ateba

Stripe Inc also cancelled Simon Ateba because Stripe Inc hates blacks and is racist against them. Stripe Inc did all of their virtue signaling during the 2020 BLM protests to pretend they care about blacks and they stand with blacks but that was a lie just to use George Floyd's death and Breanna Taylor's death and police brutality in general in order to prop their company image up, get a higher ESG score and to avoid racist lawsuits against Stripe Inc for their decades of racism against blacks .

But since Simon Ateba was a non Democrat, non liberal black, Stripe Inc got away with cancelling him because of his race.  

Stripe Inc has done nothing to help the poc community but instead have been part of the covert racism infecting this country with its anti blackness structures,  which big bank neoliberal ,robber barons like Stripe Inc are the poster child for

I am going to San Francisco where I will literally force Stripe Inc to rehire Simon Ateba and his newspaper and to apologize to Simon Ateba for their racist, partisan firing of him (which violates the civil rights act and the spirit of journalism, since they also fired him for not asking softball questions to Jenn Psaki about Joe  Biden's racist travel bans against African citizens). So Stripe Inc cancelling Ateba is against everything a true Democracy (not the oligarchy ,psuedo democracy the Dem Lib 2.0ers slobber over) is about. 

Jenn Psaki is a entitled, white Karen who virtue signals about how anti racist and pro black she is but that is bullshit. She has a virtually white inner crowd, she lives in a rich area away from blacks since she wrongly stereotypes blacks due to the black crime trope. Jenn talks down to blacks and I am glad that a black woman, KJP replaced this racist Psaki as Joe Biden's mouthpiece because I am sure Jenn Psaki behind the scenes was throwing temper tantrums knowing her replacement as Joe Biden's mouthpiece belonged to a race/ethnicity she hates (black)

If I can't force WHITE Stripe Inc to reverse and apologize for their racist, anti democracy firing of Simon Ateba, then I call on everyone associated with Stripe Inc to cancel your accounts with them since the company hates blacks and blatantly fired Simon Ateba for being black.  I would then call on the NAACP and SPLC to file a class action lawsuit against the company for that firing

At this stage, I might skip the going to their HQ part and directly hack their site and shut it down. Or I will expose all their fraud to the FBI. Stripe Inc will be no more when I get done with them

Isn't it ironic once 45 left and white savior Joe Biden became President, and BLM was no longer needed for the Dems and liberals, that the Democrat liberal political machine like its puppet company Stripe Inc went back to hating blacks, either through talking down to them (like Joe Biden did during his campaign in 2020) or as mentioned above with Stripe Inc by cancelling them?   


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