
The whole exposing children to LGBTQ themes in schools and Drag Queen 'storytimes' and the like aren't  'grooming' children to become LGBTQ per say

It is that LGBTQ people are trying to rightfully abolish heterosexual/heteronormative patriarchy as mentioned below and through exposing children to LGBTQ themes in schools and through Drag Queen 'storytimes' and the like.

The thing is there is no way to know where the line is drawn between abolishing heterosexual/heteronormative patriarchy and grooming and those 2 goals aren't that much different from each other. I am fine with abolishing the heterosexual/heteronormative patriarchy but I am against grooming children to be LGBTQ. 

I solidly emphasize with this view and I take this view into consideration with my views on this issue:

“Schools from k-8 should stick with teaching the basics like the 3 Rs, history etc with family friendly mentions of LGBTQ only in Social Studies classes or sex ed or if their teacher is LGBTQ. Remember kids can and will learn about LGBTQ+ easily online or through books or through Hollywood”

I am against kids in preschool and k-4 school being taught these type of things but I can’t fight against that since I am Libertarian and anti censorship. That type of teaching really does have no fit in preschool and elementary schools if you think about it. 

Kids aren’t mature enough to digest those type of things. Parents need to get on school boards to maybe stop this stuff from being taught in those grades to such impressionable minds instead of trying to censor it through right wing SJWism at school board neetings

I plead the fifth on whether I believe kids in grades 5-7 should be taught those type of things. 

A lot of Muslim parents get offended by that and Muslims have endured enough since 9/11 that we may have to bite the bullet for them on that. I also am sympathetic to the progressive pro gay activists who got the lgbtq+ teaching removed from that NC school since they are removing that lgbtq+ teaching for a liberal ,pro gay reason. 

Despite what I wrote above, I agree with this idea from this parent , here is a snipet 
“One of the most amazing things about cisgender straight people is that most of them think they don’t have a sexual orientation or a gender identity. A major premise of Florida’s recently passed “Don’t Say Gay” bill is that children should be sheltered from discussions of sexual orientation, and in many ways, I, a queer mom married to a woman, actually agree with this. That also goes for gender identity too ― I think it would be amazing if schools stopped teaching gender as an innate expression stemming from what is in one’s pants. And I believe young children can learn all about love and family and different family structures without needing to have it framed in ways that are overly sexual or romantic. But that’s not how straight society likes to play.”

The ironic twist regarding this legislation is that mainstream straight culture enjoys aggressively (hetero)sexualizing young children in ways that, if LGBTQ people did it, we would be labeled perverts, extremists and child abusers. And yet heterosexual grooming ― a term I coined for this phenomenon ― is so constant and ubiquitous most people don’t even notice it.”

I will just say that parents who don't want their kids to learn LGBTQ+ things in school should homeschool their children or have them go to a private or collectivized school that doesn’t teach them. Let kids be kids

I never thought I would come across a right-wing conspiracy that I badly wanted to be true like the one where education turns people into queer communists. If that was true that would be amazing!

I really don’t want to criticize Florida's new anti grooming law or similar school laws. But I will.

I don’t believe Ron Desantis should control what kids learn or don’t learn in school. He is a governor not a  school board president and he should not have passed his overbearing law. We need to find ways to stop governors of all states from intruding in the lives of our students in schools. 

However, if the bill can be tweeked, to fix some monumental and very real concerns like outlined here, then I can ‘play house’ live with and between endure and mildly ‘John Mccain maverick esque’ support the Don’t say gay law in Florida. I am a homer 

Bisexual teens are the greatest risk of bullying suicide and we must find ways to prevent bisexual teens from being bullied and suicide committing suicide.  See here for more

Children networks should not be teaching kids about Drag Queens. Shame on Nickelodeon for their indoctrination of our kids with that stuff.  

Children should not be drag queens as allowing them to do that sexualizes them. 

I am glad this was cancelled and I want to make sure such decadence never becomes a thing

Children under 16 should not be allowed by their parents to go to Drag Queen shows (i.e drag queen story hour), even ‘family friendly’ drag queen shows and those kids Drag Queen shows (i.e drag queen story hour) should not exist

I am especially against drag queen shows for kids like this r rated one in Pennsylvania

I support and emphasize personal autonomy so I am against using public power like overreach of government power to legislate morality by banning Drag Queen Shows for kids (i.e drag queen story hour) except noted below . We have to instead use Libertarian ways to stop kids from going to these shows sothe shows no longer happen

However I support the government banning this r rated type of drag show for kids (lewd acts are not protected by the 1A)

I am against children going to strip clubs and strip shows.That really is sexualizing our children and I will never allow that to happen again. I support the government banning children going to strip clubs and strip shows

I support banning federal funding for drag queen shows for kids. Our tax dollars should not pay for this nonsense

ALL adult drag queen shows should be as family friendly as they claim drag queen shows for kids are family friendly.

Drag queens stereotype and objectify women and teach children to do so which makes it harder to destroy the patriarchy .

Drag Queen shows for kids like Drag Queen show story hour are bizarre ignores and even takes away the innocence of children and takes away a bit of their childhood, forcing them to grow up. 

If we want to get rid of the heterosexual/heteronormative patriarchy drag queen shows for kids (i.e drag queen story hour), is not the way to do it. 

Drag Queen shows for kids like Drag Queen show story hour aren’t about getting rid of the heterosexual/heteronormative patriarchy as much as they about being agenda driven and being used to sexualize and indoctrinate our children and that is twisted, degenerate and wrong

I also am against drag queen shows for kids like drag queen story hour because drag queen shows for kids are a trendy thing and I am against trendy things. What is with the Liberal 2.0’s new weird, twisted hard on for drag queens that they have to shove them down our freaking throats? 

I am against Drag QUEEN story hour dropping the queen from their name . Doing that is not ‘inclusive’, doing that is woke . Even though drag queen story hour is woke itself I still cannot accept them dropping the queen from their name. I am sick and tired of hearing the word inclusive.DOWN WITH INCLUSION!

Being against kids being exposed to drag queens is not a far right position. The silent vast majority of Americans and Europeans are against such exposure. If me being against kids being exposed to drag queens is far right then color me far right. 


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