Justice babe

I am absolutely against and appalled by the below child abusing mother (Sierra Newell/Brianna Lafoe) and her child abusing friend (Brianna LaFoe/Sierra Newell) tossing her baby around. That is child abuse, evil, disgusting . Those anti child bigots broke that baby's arm and they must pay for this

Sierra Newell and Brianna Lafoe should NEVER get back custody of that child ever again. They abuse him including below and at home, they are drunk psycho path who also makes her baby a sex object. In fact Sierra Newell and Brianna Lafoe should be sterilized. They should never be allowed to have custody of children ever again

Sierra Newell and Brianna Lafoe are anti baby bigots and need to be taught a lesson. They broke this baby's arm, threw him around like a rag doll, brought him to a bar and sexualized him by having him half naked and themselves being half naked around him. They attacked innocent people who rightfully tried to stop these monsters

They should NOT have been released on bond for paying 300 of their 3000 bond and I am going to make the judge who released them on bond get fired. I am going to force the courts in Daytona to lock them back up until their trial, or until they pay back the FULL 3000 bond.

I will get their passports and visas taken away until trial also since they should not be rewarded with travel after they both abused that child (physically and sexually) attacked people, and in Brianna Lafoe's case committed a felony burglary in 2022. Travel is a privilege not a right. 

Even if they are found innocent, I will physically prevent Brianna Lafoe and Sierra Newell from leaving the US (with exceptions made for Canada, Bermuda, Bahamas and Northern Mexico) for decades since my citizen's ban on them traveling to other countries is the least I can do to get them back for their abuse of that child and bystanders. To do this I will go to whatever airport they are flying out of and if they are traveling to any country except the ones noted above, I will psychically block them getting on their flights each time forever.

Brianna Lafoe and Sierra Newell are both selfish, soulless, entitled white Karens and they would terrorize countries in Asia, Oceania, Europe, Africa, South America if they went there, making people there feel like dirt . They would treat them like her slaves and ruin their cultures,  dignity and lives. Both of them would likely traffick children if they went to those places.

How the fuck can any judge release these 2 monsters after paying 10 percent of their bond (their bond should have been set at 100,000 but since they have white privilege they got out quick. If they were black they would still be in jail now). They are a threat to the safety of every child and they are a public safety threat. Florida once again proves it does not care about the health or safety of others by releasing these 2 monsters

I am also going to force Brianna Lafoe and Sierra Newell to go the rest of their life without wearing Nike sneakers, high top sneakerss, mid top sneakers and most types of sneakers. The only type of sneakers I will allow them to wear are ..(tbd)

They don't deserve sneakers. They chose to be half nude and barefoot below so banning them from wearing most types of sneakers is another way to punish them but for the half nude stuff. I cannot accept them wearing sneakers after seeing them barefoot in Daytona in the stuff below. I can accept them wearing any type of shoes from high heels, to boots, to sandsals to flip flops to lightweight cleats to mary jane shoes but I cannot accept them wearing sneakers after seeing that.

But i do know that Brianna Lafoe and Sierra Newell never have and never will wear high top sneakers ever, they never have and never will wear the type of footwear on other planets and in the future of our planet that is so padded and protective it makes the laced up nike sneakers Marty McFly wore in 2015 in Back to the Future II look and feel like flip flops in comparison. People like them don't wear those type of shoes

Brianna Lafoe was charged with felony burglary in 2022 https://www.callawaysheriff.org/press_view.php?id=19    So between this and her physically and sexually abusing the child below (along w battery on bystanders) she should actually be forced to be in jail before trial on a 200,000 bond . She needs to learn her lesson because no one ever told this little demon brat NO , she has never had to pay for her crimes. She is everything that is wrong with the youngsters in our society. If no one else will give her the punishment she deserves I will. I am doing this for the greater good

I agree with the comments here , here and here about these 2 child abusing soulless psychopaths and 


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