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187K views  5 months ago

Two women are accused of tossing a baby back and forth while they were intoxicated in Daytona Beach. two people were bitten by sharks at a Volusia County beach within 24 hours: Here's Florida's Crimes of the Week.



Jason Jakshnr

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4 months ago

The fact that the baby is not crying says a lot about his usual treatment.



26 replies



4 months ago

Or a severe head injury. ๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ™





4 months ago

​ @justlooking4771 Or drugged





4 months ago

What’s it say





4 months ago

​ @Lukenukem8732 says that he's used to it





4 months ago

 @arlenedorego1277  nah not really just because someone give somebody a baby don’t mean they really know them like that





4 months ago

 @Lukenukem8732  English please.





4 months ago

​ @bobcranston3414 don't waste your time..he's just a baby




4 months ago

​ @Lukenukem8732 what does that even mean what language are you speaking




4 months ago

Reactivate attachment disorder. Babies learn their crys are ignored or worse get them beaten so they don't bother to cry





4 months ago

 @breluvjesus  your mom’s language




4 months ago

​ @justlooking4771 it looked like she smacked his head into the railing when she went to knock the phone out of the hand of whomever was filming her





4 months ago

He may be too terrified to cry poor thing๐Ÿ’”.





4 months ago

 @lilacpower2693  He deserves so much more and better. I hope he's well, ends up very loved, and with a happy childhood.





4 months ago

If he WAS crying I'd say you had something. My daughter giggled like crazy when she was thrown around.





4 months ago

The fact that you believe something without seeing or hearing nay proof says a lot about your level of intellect.





4 months ago (edited)

 @antiunclematter9502  uhhh you can see and hear the proof in the video… the baby is not crying while being thrown around like a doll. I’m making an observation from what my eyeballs are seeing and my ear holes are hearing.





4 months ago

​ @lilacpower2693 Or exhausted, very sad.





4 months ago

​ @genefogarty5395 did you throw her around outside, over concrete, while drunk?





4 months ago

 @roni7172  No, and where did you see the mother in the clip throw her child around? Based on the footage, she never even let go of the child. Legally drunk is two beers BTW, I can walk up and down stairs on my hands after a 12 pack so "Drunk" doesn't draw much water with me. Odd that nothing the bar patrons claimed is on video, yet everything else is. Convenience, technical mishap or are they just plain BS'ing?




4 months ago

 @genefogarty5395  they were drunk, it doesn't matter how much alcohol it takes to impair your behaviour, the fact is that your behaviour is impaired. You can clearly see that the video is stopped before the baby is thrown. I'm sure you are aware that a news outlet would not be able to show a video depicting child abuse. I used to throw my children up and they loved it but would never have done what they did. I'm unsure why you're defending them.





4 months ago

 @roni7172  It says "Under the influence", that's .08, two beers, lol. And no, it's not clear that the video is stopped, because there's no footage of anything other than the mother tossing her child about while never even letting it go. Give me a time stamp so I can tear any theory you have to shreds. I'm defending them because people are regurgitating things that never happened. This is how mob mentality starts. Read how many comments condemn the mother for the child's broken arm when BOTH reporters never said the kid's arm was broken. Just like you see a stopped video before a baby was thrown, yet there's no footage of the baby tossing, lol. It would be EVERYWHERE.





4 months ago

 @genefogarty5395  you're right, you had better let the police know that they arrested them by mistake. They weren't drunk and playing catch with that child, after all.




4 months ago

 @roni7172  Arrested for public intox and DFCS was called from that because they had the kid with them. NOT from tossing a kid around because there's zero evidence other than the word of other drunks. But by all means, show me where I said they were arrested erroneously, lol.




4 months ago

I mean… isnt that a normal/common play? Even with dogs… you throw them above your head and catch them





4 months ago

​ @ralphdeshon9710 Or weak from hunger and underfeeding?




4 months ago

Oh. Maybe do better.  @r0ckymarie 





4 months ago

Crimes against children cannot be punished enough.    The damage to children is not just immediate, but lifelong.



6 replies



4 months ago

Yup.  That's exactly how I feel about Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrand, too.  The children they abused will never recover.





4 months ago

I am proof of that, went through child abuse!!!





4 months ago

 @13juju  sorry to hear that ☮️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ





4 months ago

​ @13juju I'm so sorry for that......May God bless you!๐Ÿ’ฏ❤๐Ÿ˜ข





4 months ago

Couldn’t agree more!





4 months ago

​ @13juju so sm I but our lives are not over yet! We have to learn to heal as much as we can while we're still here! We don't deserve to suffer our entire lives! ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ’ฏ✊๐Ÿฝ





4 months ago

Sadly, we can’t pick our parents ๐Ÿ˜ข I hope the baby goes to a good home..



4 replies



4 months ago

g/d your right..... Poor babe gunna be brought up in foster homes... It's sad, this baby does not have a chance.





4 months ago

If me and my soon to be husband weren't pushing 40 we would of a loved to adopt a baby but, cause we're not spring chickens anymore,we want to adopt an older child to make sure we're not dead by the time our child graduates high school.

Please pray this baby goes to a loving home. If I was in my 20's I'd be working on it. 

Please also pray that if it's God's will we have the family me and him always wanted. As of now if I carry it could very likely kill me:( 

As I assure you when  and if we adopt that child will be adored forever.  It's expensive to adopt so it may never happen but, hopefully will be blessed soon. If it's meant to be it will be ๐Ÿ’–





4 months ago

If it’s meant to be , it will happen for you . Keep your faith and keep your eyes open , not all things come through traditional channels !




4 months ago

Being a childless woman, its horrible to see such women become mothers



28 replies



4 months ago






4 months ago

There are too many children  who've been waiting too long for safe, loving parents in foster care. Especially in FL. Their parents have already lost their rights so there isn't a long, drawn-out process to become their legal guardian. If someone truly wants to be a parent, they should call their local foster care agency. 

Also, the costs is oftentimes nonexistent or very little. Definitely worth it!๐Ÿ’œ





4 months ago

Just stay motherless. You wont regret it. Kids are a pain in the ass





4 months ago

​ @Rebecca-hc5ju Adoption is beautiful....thank you❣️๐Ÿ’ฏ๐ŸŽฏ❤๐Ÿค—





4 months ago

​ @whooptydoo6256 your name matches your attitude......children are the greatest blessing of all!  ๐Ÿ˜ฎ





4 months ago






4 months ago

I agree same here





4 months ago

People may bring up women who can't have children in relation to child abuse for a variety of reasons, although these reasons are generally not justified. Some possible explanations for this behavior include:

1. **Misguided Empathy**: Some individuals may bring up infertility as a way of expressing empathy for those who desperately want children but cannot conceive. They may believe that highlighting the contrast between infertility and child abuse is a way of emphasizing the preciousness of children.

2. **Deflection**: In some cases, people might bring up infertility as a way of deflecting from the uncomfortable and distressing topic of child abuse. It could be a defense mechanism to avoid discussing or confronting the issue directly.

3. **Lack of Understanding**: Some individuals may not fully understand the complexities of both infertility and child abuse. They may not recognize that these are separate and unrelated issues and may inadvertently make inappropriate comparisons.

To refute this thinking and redirect the conversation more constructively:

1. **Acknowledge Their Concerns**: Begin by acknowledging that concerns about infertility and the desire for children are valid and important. Make it clear that you understand their empathy for those facing infertility.

2. **Highlight the Unrelated Nature of the Issues**: Gently point out that infertility and child abuse are distinct and unrelated issues. Emphasize that child abuse is a matter of child welfare, safety, and protection, and it should be addressed separately and with urgency.

3. **Empathize with the Victims**: Express empathy for the victims of child abuse and the pain they endure. Reinforce the importance of focusing on the well-being and safety of children who are suffering.

4. **Redirect the Conversation**: Encourage a shift in the conversation toward discussing ways to prevent child abuse, support the victims, and hold abusers accountable. Ask questions like, "How can we raise awareness about child abuse prevention?" or "What can we do to help children who have experienced abuse?"

5. **Educate About Child Abuse**: If appropriate, provide information about child abuse, its signs, and how to report it. Raising awareness about child abuse prevention can help people better understand the issue and how they can make a positive impact.

6. **Suggest Support for Infertility**: If someone is particularly concerned about infertility, suggest that they explore ways to support individuals or couples facing infertility. Encourage them to learn about infertility support groups, advocacy organizations, or ways to provide emotional support to those affected.

Ultimately, the goal is to steer the conversation away from comparisons and towards solutions and support for both child abuse prevention and those dealing with infertility. By maintaining a compassionate and constructive approach, you can help foster a more productive dialogue and contribute positively to addressing these important issues.





4 months ago

People may bring up women who can't have children in relation to child abuse for a variety of reasons, although these reasons are generally not justified. Some possible explanations for this behavior include:

1. **Misguided Empathy**: Some individuals may bring up infertility as a way of expressing empathy for those who desperately want children but cannot conceive. They may believe that highlighting the contrast between infertility and child abuse is a way of emphasizing the preciousness of children.

2. **Deflection**: In some cases, people might bring up infertility as a way of deflecting from the uncomfortable and distressing topic of child abuse. It could be a defense mechanism to avoid discussing or confronting the issue directly.

3. **Lack of Understanding**: Some individuals may not fully understand the complexities of both infertility and child abuse. They may not recognize that these are separate and unrelated issues and may inadvertently make inappropriate comparisons.

To refute this thinking and redirect the conversation more constructively:

1. **Acknowledge Their Concerns**: Begin by acknowledging that concerns about infertility and the desire for children are valid and important. Make it clear that you understand their empathy for those facing infertility.

2. **Highlight the Unrelated Nature of the Issues**: Gently point out that infertility and child abuse are distinct and unrelated issues. Emphasize that child abuse is a matter of child welfare, safety, and protection, and it should be addressed separately and with urgency.

3. **Empathize with the Victims**: Express empathy for the victims of child abuse and the pain they endure. Reinforce the importance of focusing on the well-being and safety of children who are suffering.

4. **Redirect the Conversation**: Encourage a shift in the conversation toward discussing ways to prevent child abuse, support the victims, and hold abusers accountable. Ask questions like, "How can we raise awareness about child abuse prevention?" or "What can we do to help children who have experienced abuse?"

5. **Educate About Child Abuse**: If appropriate, provide information about child abuse, its signs, and how to report it. Raising awareness about child abuse prevention can help people better understand the issue and how they can make a positive impact.

6. **Suggest Support for Infertility**: If someone is particularly concerned about infertility, suggest that they explore ways to support individuals or couples facing infertility. Encourage them to learn about infertility support groups, advocacy organizations, or ways to provide emotional support to those affected.

Ultimately, the goal is to steer the conversation away from comparisons and towards solutions and support for both child abuse prevention and those dealing with infertility. By maintaining a compassionate and constructive approach, you can help foster a more productive dialogue and contribute positively to addressing these important issues.





4 months ago

​ @whooptydoo6256 ...said your Mother every day of your life...cope





4 months ago

You are better for it.  I know it sounds callous but I'm serious.  Life is suffering- this baby is already suffering and in pain.  The future will show how this trauma effected this child...    you didn't bring anyone in the world to suffer- to have pain and die.  You are more wonderful than you can even imagine.  I send you love, from my heart to your heart.





4 months ago

Same here! 

IT breaks my heart to know that there's children out there Being senselessly abused by their parents.





4 months ago

Maybe stop making it about you being childless and keep the abused baby as the subject matter…. ๐Ÿ™„





4 months ago

Same! Very sad :(





4 months ago

Hey, at least that kid will be one tough sob.  Yeah he'll grow up to be a sociopath that beats women, and either sell drugs or get high AF.  All while listening to his idols and legends of the great Rick Ross, T-Pain, Busta Cap, Saveaho, and Slanger.  I only made two of those up, believe it or not.





4 months ago

It just breaks your heart for the kids.





4 months ago

You wanna baby? I gotchu..๐ŸŽ





4 months ago

Try ivf it works for many people.  Go for a consult. You can also do foster care to give the love u have away to someone who needs it.





4 months ago

​ @whooptydoo6256  Your not one of the women are you?





4 months ago

Maybe you are destined to be the guardian angel of a child that needs love.




4 months ago

Me too. It's unbearable to watch




4 months ago

Yup. I just commented the same thing. I've wanted to be a mom since I was so little. My mom used to tell people "she's going to get pregnant at 14" because I wanted a baby so bad but she was weirdly happy cuz she knew even tho I was 14 I would be a good mom lol so wrong. But I'm still looking up. Praying for you and all us girls who truly deserve children. ❤




4 months ago

​ @Rebecca-hc5ju but isn't a very strict process?! Like don't you have to have a perfect background, have good jobs, a nice house, good credit, things like that lol. I'm totally serious about the good credit part. We would of adopted by now if not for $$$$ and ๐Ÿ’ณ




4 months ago

 @ribtips305 THANK YOU! WELL SAID๐Ÿ‘





4 months ago

Stop crying about yourself!!!! (this story isn’t about you…๐Ÿคท‍♀️




4 months ago

 @cherrelleg8276 This isn’t the place to be talking about yourselves!๐Ÿ˜ก




4 months ago

Educate About Child Abuse: If appropriate, provide information about child abuse, its signs, and how to report it. Raising awareness about child abuse prevention can help people better understand the issue and how they can make a positive impact.

Suggest Support for Infertility: If someone is particularly concerned about infertility, suggest that they explore ways to support individuals or couples facing infertility. Encourage them to learn about infertility support groups, advocacy organizations, or ways to provide emotional support to those affected.





3 months ago

And they said fathers were bad




4 months ago

I don't know why this behavior still surprises me after some of the videos I've seen involving children.  But tossing a baby around like it's a fun game just absolutely blows my mind. SAVE THAT CHILD. PLEASE!



7 replies



4 months ago

After watching Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrand tie up and starve their kids, I'm not surprised either.  I hope someone can save all the children those two harmed over the years with their monstrous parenting style.  

Narcissism destroys everything it touches.  Including children.  Especially children.





4 months ago

But this is the kind of human garbage that dcf will give the children back.





4 months ago

Because it's beyond our comprehension that anyone would or could do something like that to their own children or any other child. It's always shocking because we would never dream of doing that. And just can't fathom how they could.





4 months ago

I know. It's completely off the rails. Have you seen the video of the couple having an argument that ended with the 'mother' throwing the infant at the father? These children are nothing more than debit cards to some of these chicks!





4 months ago

seriously! i’m just glad people stepped in. a lot of people think it’s best to mind their business or not be a “snitch “ or are even just scared of being harmed by the perpetrators. i hope there are more people out there than we think that would step in when someone is being harmed especially a defenseless being like a baby or an animal. hopefully she won’t get her baby back & her child goes to someone who will protect & love them as they deserve





4 months ago

I tossed my son up in the air when he was a baby. But I was on a soft bed and not inebriated.




4 months ago

​ @jonahzablow2132 Dads are more muscular than women.Dads tossing their baby in the air and catching them is usually OK to me at the pool๐ŸŽ‰.It looks like fun for the child.But not by women on a sidewalk,where too much can go wrong.




4 months ago

They are IGNORANT and Thank God someone called the police to help the baby.  ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ



5 replies



4 months ago

The baby was in no danger Karen. People play catch with their kids all the time. If your parents had played a little more adventurously with you maybe you’d have amazing memories of your tummy tickling laughter and understand how important those things were in developing you as a person. My dad played catch with me…I played catch with my kids and now we play catch with their kids. My mom would spin me in circles holding my hands and the feeling of flying through the air just on the verge of centrifugal force taking me away and we’d crash down in the grass laughing so hard. That shit is fun not painful. People start training their kids in gymnastics at an early age….is that child abuse? Fuck no it isn’t …it’s parents spending time with their kids. If people hadn’t of freaked out they would have gone happily home most likely. Now they have to deal with courts and the insane people of child protective services  that  usually know shit about raising kids.





4 months ago

​ @brettschaapveld9449 sorry totally different when you're tossing a kid back and forth over Cement! Really ignorant comparison.





4 months ago

 @BebeHearsAll-cy8xn  Generally kids don’t break that easily and it doesn’t matter where you’re tossing you’re kid back and forth…as long as you don’t drop them. It looked like the people that complained probably approached it…maybe to aggressively and rudely and that set the one girl off in a tirade. I get it…it was inappropriate behavior but young people nowadays aren’t disciplined and taught respect let alone common sense and good judgement. I just don’t think it needed to be escalated to that level by anyone there because now…not only are they local news famous for the “ crime of the week” and in jail but they’re going to have to deal with child services nightmare rule your life or we take your child tactics…which always seems to be their goal. Nobody needs that. Just a bad situation all around. I hate seeing young people burdened by police state style intrusion into their lives when cooler heads could have made the situation less likely to escalate. If people would learn to intervene with empathy, respect, compassion and kindness the world would run a little smoother.





4 months ago

 @brettschaapveld9449  generally, if kids land on their head on cement they can have a concussion or worse (death) so I guess taking them away might be an inconvenience for the mother, but might be a life-saving technique for the infant. If you support tossing infants then go at it!





4 months ago

 @BebeHearsAll-cy8xn  Where did you see a child being tossed back and forth? You didn't, because it was a claim, nothing more. Just like the child's POSSIBLE broken arm. Or the mother dangling the kid by the ankle. Keep eating whatever the media spoon feeds you with nary a question or logic. They depend on people like you.




4 months ago

Out at 1 am with a baby outside a bar while wearing a thong bikini. No doubt drunk. All of that Alone tells you this is an absolute trash human who shouldn’t have a child. Much less what they were doing with the baby and that’s in public in front of other people. Just imagine what they do in private! I hope she loses custody and gets jail time. Absolute scumbag waste of space.



23 replies



4 months ago

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ right





4 months ago






4 months ago






4 months ago

Yep you nailed it! ๐Ÿ‘





4 months ago

That's what happens when immature teenagers have kids, it's sad that there's couples out there that can't have kids of their own that would make great parents!! But irresponsible people that have no business making babys can have multiple children and destroy the innocence of a child!!! Heartbreaking





4 months ago

Looking at their mug shots, it seems like they were more than just drunk. Awful.





4 months ago

 @skinsciencebymira  Really, what visual clues do you see that led you to make that claim?





4 months ago

​@genefogarty5395 I could be mistaken but the brunette appears to have open sores on her face..they both look pretty rough. I've been drunk more than a few times and never have I ever even considered using my infant as a football..that's my clue.





4 months ago

​ @genefogarty5395  exactly ,thank you!  It's obvious to me that the claims other people who are at a bar at 1 am whom made those claims against the 2 women with the very content baby  (that wasn't even fussy/crying) cannot even be  proven, because the surveillance camera somehow only recorded everything else about the incident ,  but the actual footage of he alleged claims made by a bunch of drunk people .. 

yet  comments posted are so judgemental of an incident that wasn't even proven. Plus bartenders don't allow babies into bars after a certain time anyway.. it seems more like as if the 2 women. (Wearing only bathing suits , with no shoes on,  no purses/money  , not even a diaper bag with them , or anything , had just walked a short distance there to speak to someone and a bunch of drunk people at started  shit with them about having a baby out at that hour .. which created that volatile situation.. 

I may be wrong but everything about that situation is completely illogical . 

Yet somehow so many people are so quick to post such judgemental comments about something that doesn't even make any logical sense at all..  all based upon the words of some local news reporter who cannot even prove that his words are even factual . If only that surveillance camera had not stopped recording when  the women  were allegedly  throwing the baby to each other and dangling the baby by the arm.. etc etc.. it would actually be more believable.. since the footage shown actually contradicts those allegations.  But since a bunch of drunk people at a bar and a msm reporter who can't even prove anything about it, said that it's true, guess it has to be.. ๐Ÿคจ





4 months ago

 @SlayMomma  The zit on her forehead? She's 20 ffs, it happens. Where'd you see the baby tossed back and forth like a football? All I saw was the mother hold her child and lift it up a few times. Did you see a different video that I haven't? Seriously.





4 months ago






4 months ago

 @t.rok13  Exactly. I'm glad I'm not the only one that didn't fall for the sensationalized fish story, hook line and sinker. It really goes to show just how small an amount of attention people pay to what they're told and how quickly they are to trust any outlet that strokes their emotions whether good or bad. It reminds me of that song "The hook" by Blues Traveler.





4 months ago

​ @t.rok13 you MAY be wrong?! Oh you wrong all the way! You can  see just by the way she handle this baby! When she swing at the people at the terace the baby was so close to have his head bashed on the fence! You can clearly see there is smt wrong in the way they act





4 months ago

 @billybunter3753 lol. Not in Daytona.  Those are definitely desantis/trump voters.





4 months ago

 @fannyboni472  am I? Maybe rereading my comment will give you a better understanding of what I was referring to.. because my point remains  valid, how the surveillance camera recorded everything but what the alleged accusations that were mentioned 

So forgive me for knowing there’s no footage of them throwing the baby and carrying the baby by the arm..





4 months ago






4 months ago

 @t.rok13  they aren’t going to show the crime, could sway a potential jury.  There is definitely a video to be seen if you get that lovely letter in the mail.





4 months ago

​ @genefogarty5395 The video did not demonstrate all of the claims on the sensational title.But no protective mother rushes up to a wrought iron railing to engage in fisticuffs with a helpless,upside down infant on her hip.Running up to public restaurant patrons behind an iron railing,with no regard for that baby's safety in a physical altercation,or even aware of it's upside down inhumane position in her grasp.Why ignore that,it is not right,and is child endangerment.





4 months ago

Couldn't agree more. And the way she was holding him horizontally with one arm and almost slammed his head into that metal fence while she was yelling at the bar patrons.





4 months ago

Clearly in the land of the goober rubes !


from youtube video (the ones which call out these 2 drunk child abusing women for their abuse and call for the child to be put up for adoption):




4 months ago (edited)

​@t.rok13 You are incorrect. That surveillance camera caught the entire incident. The media is only showing a snippet of the footage to the public. The footage in its entirety will be played in court first. Then, and only then, will the video in its entirety become available to the public..





4 months ago

​@t.rok13 The only thing 'completely illogical' that I see here is your narrative of the incident.


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