more hyb feminsims

Revolutionary Feminism:

I am an Anarchistic Radical Feminist+ (I am critical of sexism, sex roles and sex stereotypes and I am also a Trans Rights Activist, see here for more)         

I am a Gender Nihilist SACE Feminist

As a Libertarian I believe that people should be allowed to live and love how they want as long as its legal

As a Radfem (Radical Feminism) I call regressive women "handmaidens"  "At first glance it seems harmless that young GenZ women today want to pursue higher education to find a husband .And yes they should be allowed to do so if they want due to freedom of choice. But young GenZ women using higher education only to find a man is regressive, backwards and will make it harder to abolish patriarchy to usher in a world which is better than said regressive women can ever imagine

Women spent decades fighting for equal opportunity and yet a lot of young women are going to college only to find a man. ugh. GenZ women need to look forward not backward. Go to college to better yourselves and get a high paying good job 

While I am against regressiveness and I want everyone, especially women to get a higher education for genuine and non regressive reasons, I realize that it’s their choice to use higher education to get a husband if they choice to do so. 

Moreover that higher education will help empower them career wise even if they got that education for the wrong reasons.   Freedom of choice"

I agree with Radfems on being rabid about queer heteronormative gender ideology and echo these Radical Feminists views on people who try to degrade such persons

I support Cottage Core filling the space in Anarchist Post Feminist Anti Civ ideology of the Green Liberalism rejected that was rejected in said Anarchist Post Feminist, Anti civ ideology. I support Eco Feminism- The liberation of women is the liberation of Mother Earth. 


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