
Showing posts from December, 2023

Twsnark thread

Hey! No hate from me. Feminism is all about choice. As long as it's your choice to stay home, go for it! I also think it's great that you grew as a person and were able to break away from the toxic community. Honestly, we need more progressive theistic folks to speak up about it! The only hate you would get from me, would be if you wanted to force everyone else to stay home. You have my respect sister! Being a wife and a mom is hard work. It's non stop. I'm a feminist and an open minded Episcopalian. I've also had periods of my life when I've not worked and focused on family. It's so important to find your balance, what makes you content, and serves your family best. Good on you for redefining your role on your terms and throwing off the toxic chains that held you down. I wish you and your family all the luck! Hey we support you! We encourage you to make the best choices for you and your family and i am also walking with God who has pulled me away from toxic

Yield right of way feminisms

My views on the Tradwife phenomena is reflected by the people in this AskaLiberal reddit thread ,  this TwoXChromosomes reddit thread , and within this article here and under a somewhat different looking glass  in this thread  and this thread too Some more of my views of the Tradwife trend can be found in this TradwifeSnark thread , in particular here Remember you right wingish nutties, women are equal to men in every way shape and form and should have at minimum absolute equality to men To drive this point home, Eve (the first woman) was created from Adam's rib , so Eve came out of Adam so she is a new and improved Adam, ya know what we commonly call 'woman'.   This Christian feminist related something similar to this point above: I was raised Catholic, but I'm now agnostic. I think my feminism has a lot to do with my areligiousness. That said, I think one potential argument against this is in the story of Adam/Eve. Eve was originally created from Adam's rib--thi

Fem gender feminst radgeekLib

Cyberfeminism including:   Cyborgian Feminism: Collapse   Marxist Feminism   Postgenderism  Radical Feminism ( Zoe Baker Fem inism   VNS Matrix Thought: Collapse  Cyborgian Feminism Dada   Existentialist Feminism Auth Left (  Authoritarian (Rad) Feminism  ) I am a  Trans Bolshevist Nat Gender Post-Colonial Theorist  and a  Auth  Lib-Leftarian  Prudnatalist -Cultural F.A.N.G Post Genderist I agree with this viewpoint expressed in  this screenshot by Ryan Grim

radfem sub ideolo

includes Post Left FANarcha Libertarian XenoFeminist more added later here

more hyb feminsims

Revolutionary Feminism: I am an  Anar chistic   Rad i cal   F emi n i st +  (I am critical of sexism, sex roles and sex stereotypes and I am also a  T rans   R ights   A ctivist,  see  here for more )          I am a  Gender Nihilist SACE   Femin is t As a Libertarian I believe that people should be allowed to live and love how they want as long as its legal As a Radfem (Radical Feminism) I call regressive women "handmaidens"  " At first glance it seems harmless that young GenZ women today want to  pursue higher education to find a husband  .And yes they should be allowed to do so if they want due to freedom of choice. But young GenZ women using higher education only to find a man is regressive, backwards and will make it harder to abolish patriarchy to usher in a world which is better than said regressive women can ever imagine Women spent decades fighting for equal opportunity and yet a lot of young women are going to college only to find a man. ugh. GenZ women need to

Drug views