I am absolutely against and appalled by the below child abusing mother (Sierra Newell/Brianna Lafoe) and her child abusing friend (Brianna LaFoe/Sierra Newell) tossing her baby around. That is child abuse, evil, disgusting . Those anti child bigots broke that baby's arm and they must pay for this Sierra Newell and Brianna Lafoe should NEVER get back custody of that child ever again. They abuse him including below and at home, they are drunk psycho path who also makes her baby a sex object. In fact Sierra Newell and Brianna Lafoe should be sterilized. They should never be allowed to have custody of children ever again Sierra Newell and Brianna Lafoe are anti baby bigots and need to be taught a lesson. They broke this baby's arm, threw him around like a rag doll, brought him to a bar and sexualized him by having him half naked and themselves being half naked around him. They attacked innocent people who rightfully tried to stop these monsters They should NOT have been released on...
My views on the Tradwife phenomena is reflected by the people in this AskaLiberal reddit thread , this TwoXChromosomes reddit thread , and within this article here and under a somewhat different looking glass in this thread and this thread too Some more of my views of the Tradwife trend can be found in this TradwifeSnark thread , in particular here Remember you right wingish nutties, women are equal to men in every way shape and form and should have at minimum absolute equality to men To drive this point home, Eve (the first woman) was created from Adam's rib , so Eve came out of Adam so she is a new and improved Adam, ya know what we commonly call 'woman'. This Christian feminist related something similar to this point above: I was raised Catholic, but I'm now agnostic. I think my feminism has a lot to do with my areligiousness. That said, I think one potential argument against this is in the story of Adam/Eve. Eve was originally created from Adam's rib-...
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