Exh beweoerioreo

Auth Lib-Leftarian Prudnatalist -Cultural F.A.N.G Post Genderism

All these ideologies rolled into one:

Lib-Leftarianism (which is actually existing Third Aquarian Model Feminism) based on the (Anarcha Feminism/Anarcho Marxist Leninist Feminism)

I am a Cultural Feminist  (in particular Cultural Trans feminist).  All of the other feminism variants I embrace I filter through my Cultural Feminism views and values. See here for more https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cultural_feminism&oldid=194110794

I support this idea of breeding to save mankind. I support the far left protonatalist movement mentioned in that article.  It is aimed at impersonal, liberal concerns, not racist Great Replacement fears. The goal of the Pronatalist Foundation is to find a way for prosperity, gender equality, education, and technology to coexist with stable populations.

See here for more

I am a early seasons MWC Marcy (fellow feminist in Married with Children) like feminist and a F.A.N.G feminist

I am glad that Marcy put NO MA’AM in their place throughout the show’s run (especially in the early seasons)/ I am an Ethical Prude

I support gender abolitonism

"Being called she/her and doing feminine things give me gender euphoria and I don’t wanna give it all up just for some gender less society where I can’t have that."

Gender abolition has nothing to do with this. It's actually... quite the opposite. The idea is to get rid of the way society genders us from birth and forces us to conform to arbitrary gender roles. This is actually amazing for trans people because we wouldn't feel forced to conform to our agab (since there's no such thing in this utopic world), and we would be free to explore our actual gender identity and gender expression.

Gender abolitionists don't want a "genderless" world, they just want to get rid of gender roles."

I show solidarity with Transgender people for many reasons but there is a special joy in knowing that me empowering Transgender people has the added benefit of OWNING the Neocon establishment GOP who degrade and dehumanize Trans people like they degrade an dehumanize innocent Palestinians, Anti war-Isolationists, homeless people, Judith Butler (see the reactionary trolls in Brazil trying to burn her at the stake), working class people, leftists offended by US/Western holidays, woke people who have their heart in the right place but have the wrong solutions, queer theory people, 

Just look at National Review, Fox News, Free Republic, Ben Shapiro for the types of trolls I am talking about

Basically I support the Trans movement in this way like I opposed the Iraq War in the 2000s decade and retroactively supported the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s in the 1990s and beyond , and the way I sympathized with the Queer movement in the 2000s decade etc

Just like the LGBTQ+ flag has different stripes but all the same goal, my support for Trans people and the Trans movement has different stripes but the same goal: Gender equality

I support strategic and or pragmatic Postgenderism  which should be used sometime in the future t, for sexual and gender liberation if nature keeps oppressing marginalized sexes and genders.

If anyone is to blame for oppressing genders and sexes it is nature. Postgenderism wants to abolish or seriously alter the gender binary, as such a arbitrary binary causes bigots to be repress people.  

Postgenderism would abolish gender roles, but also to blur the line to the extreme between biological sexes by using biotechnology and neurotechnology or even make them obsolete

This would liberate sexists, cissexists, transsexists, transphobes etc from their bigotry since differences between genders sex wouldn’t exist.

Postgenderism is not exclusively supportive of androgyny,

Postgenderism is not fully against the existence of gender roles in some form; some variants of postgenderism only call for the deemphasization of gender roles. 

In that situation, people would be able to identify as a gender if they chose to do so, but identifying as one wouldn’t be mandatory, and gender roles would have not have that much, if any bearing on how people really act or are treated by society.

Postgenderism, is not directly concerned with having physical sex or with sexuality. Postgenderism offers a more egalitarian system where individuals are classified by factors like age, talents, and interests instead of gender.

So after we become a postgender society we can have a government with a extremely diverse and extremely inclusive (with "goals" and "timetables" for diversity for various reasons) postgender , post matriarchal/matriarchal adjacent witch cult 

So basically this all would breed Radical Negativity which we would use after gender abolishment and postgenderism.  This includes experimenting with ways of building autonomy that are also anti-essentialist and recognize the heterogeneity/cisgeneity/sexgeneity of supposedly static categories. This would include negative affirmation of identity in order to prevent any positive affirmation of another) 

I also have this view I posted here on the intersectionality of Gender abolishment and Gender non conforming


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